Monthly Archives: January 2019


This is my word of the year. There are a lot of things I want to finish:

Taxes (on time)

Installing garbage disposal

Cleaning out office/craft/dog room

Cleaning out barn storage

Paying down a mortgage

Reading one book per month (at least)

Those are the big things. I want to also finish little things…like dishes daily, laundry to the bitter end of folding AND putting away, picking up and keeping things tidy, any small projects I start.

This is a word our whole family can benefit from doing. We ALL need to follow through and finish things. I am hopeful that this will become the new normal.

Now, off to finish doing (late) taxes.

Words For Thought

I swiped this from FB today. It’s a beautiful idea, a lofty aspiration, and a commendable goal. When the rubber meets the road though, and you have to do the forgiving, or see the good and actually forgive the worst, those are the toughest times in life.

As humans, I don’t think we have what it takes to do these things unless the grace of God is working through us.

May we be able to truly live these words on the paper.

Hello 2019

I’m back. Every year I want to blog. Every year something holds me back. Part of me worries about putting my life out there. Another part of me wants to share my life so others living with ASD in their families can see that it’s possible to live a full and happy life. I want to share without venting. I want to encourage without feeling defeated myself.

I worry that my blog won’t be focused on any certain thing so it will be too broad. But I’d really like to consolidate all my blogs into this one and just post in one place (except for the dogs).

I want to talk about gardening, planning, working full time, and running a business (or two or three). I want to talk about being healthy, eating right, exercise, and friendships. I want to share my travels. I want to share what brings joy into my life and what annoys the heck out of me.

I might talk about politics, money, and religion.

I just want a place to share and I need to not be afraid to share from the heart. I’m going to try to blog more this year. I’m going to dump everything into this blog. It will be a mixture of everything.
